
It has been shown that a piston driven pneumatic agitator uses 1/10th of the air used by a vane driven agitator when both are rotating at 200rpm, with the high cost of power generation this results in a real and considerable reduction in annual running costs.

The classic piston air motor driven agitators from Harrier Pneumatics have already proved their worth in industry.  The massive energy savings, low speed start up capabilities,  reduced maintenance times and costs, have made them a highly popular choice over their vane motor driven counterparts.  Detailed here are a few of the options of agitators and mounting brackets available within the range:

  • A standard unit which is available in 3 sizes giving torque figures from 2.71 nm to 13.55 nm, the flange mounting may be modified to fit any type of tank or toe.
  • Our piston driven agitator which is a more economical choice to use, as it comes in three variations for different torque strength, as opposed to using the Graco vane driven agitators which would require more air supply.
  • Existing units may be easily upgraded by simply replacing the motor head assembly thus utilising the existing bracket, shaft and paddles.